The Marketing–Finance Interface: A new Integrative Review of Metrics, Methods, and Findings and an Agenda for Future Research

  • Date published December 1, 2021
  • Publication International Journal of Research in Marketing
  • Expertise
    Marketing Excellence, Firm Value, Stock Returns, Event Study, Systematic Review, Tobin's q
MF Interface Bridge

The Marketing–Finance Interface is an important research field in marketing, helping demonstrate the accountability of marketing within companies and building a necessary interdisciplinary bridge to finance and accounting research.

Since the first comprehensive review article by Srinivasan and Hanssens (2009), the marketing–finance field has broadened considerably, as has research in finance and accounting. This updated systematic review of extant and new research integrates research in marketing, finance, and accounting into an overarching marketing–finance research framework.

The authors discuss new methodological developments and offer solutions to recent technical debates on the event-study method and Tobin's q. Motivated in part by a survey of marketing–finance researchers, the article identifies and synthesizes four key emerging research areas: digital marketing and firm value, tradeoffs between “doing good” and “doing well,” the mechanisms of firm-value effects, and feedback effects. The article closes with a future research agenda for this dynamic research field and offers key conclusions.


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Alexander Edeling

Alexander Edeling

Associate Professor of Marketing (KU Leuven)

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Shuba Srinivasan

Shuba Srinivasan

Adele and Norman Barron Professor of Management / Professor of Marketing, Boston University's Questrom School of Business

Dominique M. Hanssens

Dominique M. Hanssens

Distinguished Research Professor of Marketing, UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management